National Industrial Classification-2008

Division: Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities
S.No. Description Sub Class Class Group Division Section
81 Raising of silk worms, production of silk worm cocoons 01493 0149 014 Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities Agriculture, forestry and fishing
82 Raising of other animals, n.e.c. 01499 0149 014 Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities Agriculture, forestry and fishing
83 Mixed farming 01500 0150 015 Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities Agriculture, forestry and fishing
84 Agricultural activities on a fee or contract basis (preparation of fields, establishing a crop, treatment of crops, crop spraying, trimming of fruit trees and vines, transplanting of rice, thinning of beets, harvesting, pest control in connection with agr 01611 0161 016 Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities Agriculture, forestry and fishing
85 Operation of agricultural irrigation equipment 01612 0161 016 Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities Agriculture, forestry and fishing
86 Other supporting activities including agricultural gardening (excluding parks and gardening activities),n.e.c. 01619 0161 016 Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities Agriculture, forestry and fishing
87 Support activities for animal production 01620 0162 016 Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities Agriculture, forestry and fishing
88 Preparation of crops for primary markets, i.e. cleaning, trimming, grading, disinfecting 01631 0163 016 Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities Agriculture, forestry and fishing
89 Cotton ginning, cleaning and bailing 01632 0163 016 Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities Agriculture, forestry and fishing
90 Preparation of tobacco leaves 01633 0163 016 Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities Agriculture, forestry and fishing
91 Other post harvest crop activities, n.e.c. 01639 0163 016 Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities Agriculture, forestry and fishing
92 Seed processing for propagation 01640 0164 016 Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities Agriculture, forestry and fishing
93 Hunting, trapping and related service activities 01700 0170 017 Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities Agriculture, forestry and fishing
Division: Forestry and logging
S.No. Description Sub Class Class Group Division Section
94 Growing of standing timber (planting, replanting, transplanting, thinning and conserving of forests and timber tracts) 02101 0210 021 Forestry and logging Agriculture, forestry and fishing
95 Operation of forest tree nurseries 02102 0210 021 Forestry and logging Agriculture, forestry and fishing
96 Other foresty activities including growing of pulpwood,firewood etc 02109 0210 021 Forestry and logging Agriculture, forestry and fishing
97 Gathering and preparation of fire wood 02201 0220 022 Forestry and logging Agriculture, forestry and fishing
98 Logging camps and loggers primarily engaged in felling timber and producing wood in the rough such as pitprops, split poles, pickets, hewn railway ties 02202 0220 022 Forestry and logging Agriculture, forestry and fishing
99 Production of charcoal in the forest (using traditional methods) 02203 0220 022 Forestry and logging Agriculture, forestry and fishing
100 Other logging activities, n.e.c. 02209 0220 022 Forestry and logging Agriculture, forestry and fishing
101 Gathering of tendu leaves 02301 0230 023 Forestry and logging Agriculture, forestry and fishing
102 Gathering of lac, resins and rubber-like gums 02302 0230 023 Forestry and logging Agriculture, forestry and fishing
103 Gathering of wild growing mushrooms, truffles, berries, nuts, cork, balsams, vegetable hair, eelgrass, mosses, lichens 02303 0230 023 Forestry and logging Agriculture, forestry and fishing
104 Gathering of non-wood forest products, n.e.c. 02309 0230 023 Forestry and logging Agriculture, forestry and fishing
105 Forestry service activities (forest management consulting services, forestry inventories, timber evaluation, forest pest control) 02401 0240 024 Forestry and logging Agriculture, forestry and fishing
106 Logging service activities such as transport of logs within the forest 02402 0240 024 Forestry and logging Agriculture, forestry and fishing
Division: Fishing and aquaculture
S.No. Description Sub Class Class Group Division Section
107 Fishing on a commercial basis including taking of marine crustaceans and molluscs in ocean and coastal waters 03111 0311 031 Fishing and aquaculture Agriculture, forestry and fishing
108 Gathering of other marine organisms and materials such as natural pearls, sponges, coral and algae 03112 0311 031 Fishing and aquaculture Agriculture, forestry and fishing
109 Activities of vessels engaged in fishing and in processing and preserving of fish 03113 0311 031 Fishing and aquaculture Agriculture, forestry and fishing
110 Fishing and taking of freshwater crustaceans and molluscs on a commercial basis in inland waters 03121 0312 031 Fishing and aquaculture Agriculture, forestry and fishing
111 Taking and gathering of freshwater aquatic animals 03122 0312 031 Fishing and aquaculture Agriculture, forestry and fishing
112 Fish farming in sea water including farming of marine ornamental fish 03211 0321 032 Fishing and aquaculture Agriculture, forestry and fishing
113 Culture of crustaceans, bivalves, other mollusks and other aquatic animals in sea water 03212 0321 032 Fishing and aquaculture Agriculture, forestry and fishing
114 Growing of edible seaweeds 03213 0321 032 Fishing and aquaculture Agriculture, forestry and fishing
115 Aquaculture activities in brackish waters and in salt water filled tanks or reservoirs 03214 0321 032 Fishing and aquaculture Agriculture, forestry and fishing
116 Operation of fish hatcheries (marine) 03215 0321 032 Fishing and aquaculture Agriculture, forestry and fishing
117 Other marine aquaculture, n.e.c. 03219 0321 032 Fishing and aquaculture Agriculture, forestry and fishing
118 Fish farming in freshwater including farming of freshwater ornamental fish 03221 0322 032 Fishing and aquaculture Agriculture, forestry and fishing
119 Culture of freshwater crustaceans, bivalves, other mollusks and other aquatic animals 03222 0322 032 Fishing and aquaculture Agriculture, forestry and fishing
120 Operation of fish hatcheries (fresh-water) 03223 0322 032 Fishing and aquaculture Agriculture, forestry and fishing